Southwest dmv bakersfield driving test routes
Southwest dmv bakersfield driving test routes

southwest dmv bakersfield driving test routes

Remember, if you don’t pass on your first try it isn’t the end of the world. No matter what type of test you’re taking, nerves and anxiety can cause mental blocks that trip people up on easy stuff. Try to relax, be confident and just let all the skills and techniques you’ve learned shine through. Nerves: There are few tests in life that drum up more anxiety than the behind-the-wheel driving exam. Why do so many people fail the first time they take the driving test? Examiners that administer the test say the most common reasons students fail the first time are: For instance, according to research from YoGov the driving test pass rate ranges in California from 89 to 27%. It’s hard to estimate an average pass/fail rate for driving exams because every city is different.

southwest dmv bakersfield driving test routes

Why Students Don’t Pass Their Driving Test on the First Try Give yourself enough time to practice all of these basic skills until you’ve got a firm grasp on each one. Since advanced driving maneuvers are no longer required in most cases, the techniques and skills you do have to perform should be on point.


Turns: Up to four lefts and rights, including signals, full stops, limit lines, steering control, speed, turning into the correct lane, etc. Intersections: Up to eight total including speed, yields, traffic checks, braking and limit lines.īusiness/Residential/Rural Driving: Traffic checks, speed, spacing, lane position, etc. Parking Lot Driving: Leaving and returning to the DMV. Pre-Drive Checklist: Demonstrate emergency parking brake, arm signals, windshield wipers, defroster, emergency flashers, headlights, turn signals, headlights, foot brake and horn, You must demonstrate the following maneuvers during your behind-the-wheel examination: Proving this requires a demonstration of essential driving skills.

southwest dmv bakersfield driving test routes

The top priority of behind-the-wheel exams is to determine whether a person understands the rules of the road and can operate a vehicle safely. But if parallel parking and 3-point turns aren’t required, what is? And why is it so hard for many people to pass the driving exam on their first try? Skills That Are Tested on the Driving Exam Luckily for the youngest generation of drivers, some advanced maneuvers like parallel parking aren’t usually a requirement on today’s behind-the-wheel exam. But it is a good example of how small mistakes can add up on the driving test. Not every infraction will equate to a 4-point drop in the score, and not every examiner is that much of a stickler. That one minor error was worth a 4-point deduction on my driving exam score. The test examiner said I accelerated DURING the climb of the hill instead of BEFORE the climb. When I took my driving test many, many years ago, I was confident I’d ace it.

Southwest dmv bakersfield driving test routes